About CrimsonHeight

My name is Bernadette and I am a disabled, brown, penniless, middle-aged, gender-nonconforming Mexican cis woman.

Despite constantly facing systemic marginalisation, I hold numerous privileges, including being bilingual and having basic knowledge of several European languages. I am also a British citizen (which makes me Britxican lady) and I hold a PhD in Computer Science from a prestigious university in the Global North.

Although I struggle to consistently support myself financially, my parents and some friends help cover my basic expenses. However, everything else, including health services and often public transportation, is a luxury.

I write to meditate, reflect on, rearrange and dismantle my identities and their furnishings, digest my experiences, and ground my actions, thoughts, and relationships.

I cover topics such as Eros ・ Oppression ・ Privilege ・ Energy ・ Creation ・ Consciousness ・ Connection ・ Addiction ・ Recovery ・ Money and many more.

I share my writing to reach out and strengthen my connection with people who can relate to my experiences and thoughts.

Why subscribe?

Subscribe for free to get every new post in your inbox before it goes live on my social media. By subscribing, you will have access to the uncensored version of my content, which I often have to alter to avoid being banned on other platforms. Anyway, if you subscribe you won't miss any updates, even if you already follow me on Facebook, Instagram, Medium or LinkedIn.

Paying for a subscription supports my work; however, Substack has a Nazi problem, or better said, it has an economic problem that manifests itself by making a joke of their terms and conditions as it guarantees access to Nazis to the Substack platform. In addition, shortly after I found out about this I discovered Substack also allows content espousing anti-trans rhetoric, argh!!!

I am of the opinion that healthy boundaries must be established and enforced on social media. That is why I use Substack's billing service to limit comments and deliberately exclude racist, anti-trans, etc. people. I do it mainly so that neither I nor the dissident voices I welcome (often harassed elsewhere) are disturbed by these violences. I am of the idea of nipping a problem in the bud before it gets bigger and kicking a Nazi out as soon as they arrive in a space with the intention of taking it over.

However, Substack neither agrees with those boundaries and nor appears to have any intention of considering them.

So, I'm looking for a new home for this mailing list. But, because it took me approximately nine months to organise and establish this Substack to my liking due to chronic fatigue, this move is going to take some time too. Hence, I'm going to take temporary measures before I properly solve this dilemma.

Hence, paid subscriptions are going to remain enabled but they won’t grant any extra benefit. Should you choose to support me that way, it’s your money that ends up with Substack since I am not enticing anyone to subscribe. What I am encouraging people who want to support my work to do is to make a donation here or to contact me to determine how they want to support my work (financially, in kind, etc.) in a resonant manner.

Comments are disabled or ignored on other platforms, so only my Substack subscribers can discuss with me the content of my posts.

I’d love to read your thoughts and before you start commenting, please read this post so you are aware of my boundaries.

Subscribe to CrimsonHeight

Eros ・ Oppression ・ Privilege ・ Energy ・ Creation ・ Consciousness ・ Connection ・ Addiction ・ Recovery ・ Money ・ English


Escritora⛤Pendeja⛤Mística⛤Britexicana・Writer⛤Fool⛤Mystic⛤Britexican ― en letargo semi permanente desde 2016・under semi-permanent lurgy since 2016